Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{Crafts} Rick-rack Rosettes

For my first trick . . . rick-rack rosettes! They are very easy, have a nice "homespun" feel to them, without being *too* cheesy (rolled satin rosettes, I'm looking at you).

What You'll Need:
*At least 24" medium (1/2" width) rick-rack
*Hot glue
*Needle and thread . . . or a sewing machine (don't panic! it's optional)

Here's How:

1) Cut two 12" strips of rick-rack. You can adjust the length for larger or smaller diameter rosettes.

2) Starting at one end, "weave" the two strips together, wrapping one around the other and interlocking the points.

3) Flatten out the woven strand; it might start to curl, so just pull the ends straight before proceeding to the next step.

4) Sew the strands together closer to one edge; matching thread is best, I used a light thread for contrast to better demonstrate.

****If you're afraid of sewing (I'll chide you for that later ;) you could run a line of super glue down edge instead of sewing. Just be sure to leave one edge of "petals" free for later.****

5) Starting at one end, simply roll the woven strand, securing intermittently with hot glue. Once you've reached the end, tuck the last 1/2" or so underneath the rosette and secure with glue.

6) Fold down the petals, and you're done! You can glue it to a piece of felt if you wish and use it with jewelry, or whatever you'd like. I used them to accent gift boxes for feather fascinators I made for my bridesmaids (I'll share my tricks for that project later).

Happy crafting!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Welcome to The Doctors Domestic.

I'm Megan, and I am a resident physician. I am also a crafter, a baker and the occasional seamstress (well, VERY occasional). I've started this blog because there are two things I've heard a lot lately when my friends, MDs and otherwise, encounter my domesticity:

1) "I'm not creative enough/don't have the talent to make something like that/don't have time to make something like that."

I'm here to show you that, yes, you are creative enough. Yes, you are talented enough. And YES, you DO have time! I am in my intern year of residency, arguably the busiest year of my professional life, and I am planning my wedding, yet I still find time to sew, cut, glue and bake to my heart's content. It's not every day, but a few minutes here and there can produce something lovely in the end. If you have the ambition, you have the ability.

Okay, end of cliches.

2) "You're like Martha Stewart, but a doctor."

Umm, sure. I've taken that to mean that I am a crafty, detail-oriented person with a distinctive personal style (and no, I'm not interested in hearing other interpretations). And that's what my craftiness and domesticity comes down to: expressing my personal style. I don't intend to impose my styleupon you, but perhaps I can give you an idea that you can make your own. Because the best style is one that is an amalgam of ideas made into something that pleases you, but always with a measured restraint. But more on my style tirade later.

If I gain steam, I would love to have "guest contributors" to this blog, because there are a lot of smart women with good ideas out there.

So. Welcome. And lest I finish my first post without an example of my recent projects, here is a gift box I decorated recently. I'll teach you how to make the rick-rack rosettes next time.

